Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday 5/22/10

So Saturday was crazy!! But fun!!

WOD #1: 350m row, 75m phill run w/50lb sandbag run to 100m 140lb farmers walk; 5:44

WOD #2: Max box jump starting w/30 inch box n max strict press; 43 inch box jump n 75lb strict press

WOD #3: Tabata 20sec of work 15 sec or rest 4 stations; 5 rounds
44lb KB swing, lateral burpees, 15lb weighted pull ups, 87lb power clean; 103 reps

WOD #4: Max front squat reps @ 105lbs; 11 reps

WOD #5: 5 deadlift @ 155lbs, high handle sled push w/2 25lb plates, 7 KB snatches @ 35lbs each arm, low handle sled push; 4 rounds
DNF ugh

Sent from GG's iPhone

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