Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday 6/9/10

Warmup 3 rounds of
1 min planks
30 sec of bicycles
15 v-ups

Strict Press 5X4
45, 55, 58, 60

10-1 wall ball D ball slams
Wall ball @ 14lbs
Dball @ 15lbs

4:52 RX

My old time was 3:52 but I was only using a 12lbs wall ball and dball so I did pretty good I think!! Lol

Sent from GG's iPhone

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday 6/7/10

400m Run w/phill
21 box jumps (20 inches)
12 bodyweight deadlifts (126lbs)

3 Rounds


2 200m walk w/25lb plate overhead

Sent from GG's iPhone

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday 6/5/10

20 sit ups
20 Mountain Climers
But kicks to fence
High knees back
3 rounds

350m Row
200m Sandbag Run (50lbs)
30 Sandbag Lunges (50lbs)
10 Double Unders
350m Row
200m Sandbag Run (50lbs)
20 Sandbag Lunges (50lbs)
20 Double Unders
350m Row
200m Sandbag Run (50lbs)
10 Sandbag Lunges (50lbs)
30 Double Unders


100 leg lifts

It was a hot morning n this workout was hard cuz my legs were shot from yesterdays workout!! So it sucked!!

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday 6/4/10

Front Squats 4X5
99, 109, 114, 121

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Body Weigt Squats

Reps in 5 min n 2 min rest

3 Rounds

1st: 2 rounds w/ no band on push ups n 2 rounds w/ band
2nd: 4 full rounds w/band
3rd: 3 full rounds w/ 5 pull ups
Total: 11+5 pull ups

Sent from GG's iPhone

Wednesday 6/2/10

200m Run
4 Bear Crawls
10 Pull Ups
10 KB Snatches each arm (26lbs)

4 Rounds


Good workout! Got huge bruises on my forearms from the good ol snatches n I can't remember my time rite now! But I think it was 14 something or other! Lol

Sent from GG's iPhone